I have \"multiline\" (wordwrapping) textbox columns in a DataGridView. It would be great to be able to edit them as normal TextBoxes, that is, when I press down arrow, I
This question here showed me a way to solve it. Here is the code:
class MyDataGridView : DataGridView
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
if ((keyData == Keys.Enter) && (this.EditingControl != null))
//new behaviour for Enter
TextBox tb = (TextBox)EditingControl;
int pos = tb.SelectionStart;
tb.Text = tb.Text.Remove(pos, tb.SelectionLength);
tb.Text = tb.Text.Insert(pos, Environment.NewLine);
tb.SelectionStart = pos + Environment.NewLine.Length;
//and do nothing else
return true;
else if ((keyData == Keys.Up) && (this.EditingControl != null))
//programmatically move caret up
//(look at related question to see how)
return true;
else if ((keyData == Keys.Down) && (this.EditingControl != null))
//programmatically move caret down
//(look at related question to see how)
return true;
//for the rest of the keys, proceed as normal
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
So this is a simple change of DataGridView and it works. I only had to
and everything else worked as expected.
Related question: how to programmatically move caret up and down one line.