text box set1 = 1 to 30 = in the query name = br1id to br30id
textbox set 2 = 1 to 30 = in the result output
i dont understand how to create a loop based on 30
Yes to all previous answers, (600 textboxes? 600 for Ids and 600 more for the query results?) but if you really want to do this, as a technique, also change the SQL to:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
"SELECT brukernavn From bruker where ID In (");
foreach(Textbox tb in IdTextboxes) sb.Append(tb.Text + ",");
string SQL = sb.ToString(0,sb.Length - 1) + ")";
MySqlConnection mysqlCon =
new MySqlConnection("server=; " +
"Database = bruker; user id=huggy; password=LoLOW;");
cmd1 = new MySqlCommand(SQL, mysqlCon);