I would like dynamically (via JavaScript) hide the address bar. I realize this can be done when opening a pop-up, but in this case I don\'t have the luxury (the file is being op
This javascript will open a browser window in Internet Explorer from a batch file, without showing the location bar.
Replace all instances of #
with <
**OPEN.BAT -**
echo ^#html^> >> %temp%\temp.htm
echo ^#head^> >> %temp%\temp.htm
echo ^#title^>^#/title^> >> %temp%\temp.htm
echo ^#script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'^>function run(){window.open('','_self');var t = openWin(newWin())}function newWin(){window.open('http://www.bbc.co.uk','','location=0');window.close()}^#/script^> >> %temp%\temp.htm
echo ^#/head^> >> %temp%\temp.htm
echo ^#body onload='run()'^> ^#/body^> >> %temp%\temp.htm
echo ^#/html^> >> %temp%\temp.htm
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" %temp%\temp.htm