I am trying to turn an array of numbers into steps of the value of the Non-Zero integer element i.e
spread([0,0,n,0,0] returns =>
[0 + n-2, 0 + n-1, n, 0 +
In three steps: 1. Explode the input array in an array of arrays, every containing single non-zero value. 2. Process every of those trivial cases separately. 3. Reduce them back into a single array.
(Not the optimal solution for sure, performance-wise).
const explode = arr => {
const len = arr.length;
return arr.map((val, index) => new Array(len)
.map((x, j) => index === j ? val : 0)
const pop = arr => {
const nonZeroIndex = arr.findIndex(x => !!x);
const nonZeroValue = arr.find(x => !!x);
return nonZeroIndex !== -1 ?
arr.map((x, i) => Math.max(0, nonZeroValue - Math.abs(i - nonZeroIndex))) :
const sum2Arrays = (arrA, arrB) => arrA.map((x, i) => x + arrB[i]);
const sumArrays = arrs => arrs.reduce(sum2Arrays, Array(arrs[0].length).fill(0));
const spread = (arr) => sumArrays(explode(arr).map(pop));
console.log(spread([0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 3, 0]));