I am trying to create a function or functions that can sum daily hours from time cards for each client to come up with the total hours worked per day. Each client has it\'s own
So, an example formula would look like this:
That would sum Sheet2-Sheet4
, A1:A5
on all sheets.
Is there a reason you need to write the VBA code to do this?
Can't you just enter it as a formula once?
Also, if you're going to the trouble of writing VBA to generate a formula, it may make more sense to just do the sum entirely in VBA code.
If not, try this:
Sub GenerateTheFormula()
Dim x, Formula
Formula = "=SUM(" 'Formula begins with =SUM(
For x = 3 To Sheets.Count
Formula = Formula & Sheets(x).Name & "!A1," 'Add SheetName and Cell and Comma
Next x
Formula = Left(Formula, Len(Formula) - 1) & ")" 'Remove trailing comma and add parenthesis
Range("B1").Formula = Formula 'Where do you want to put this formula?
End Sub