for example I have the following code
Module MPI
! MPI info
If (true) Then
Print *, \'\'
! empty line 1
! empty line 2
End If
Using the search text ^( +)(.*\R)(!)
and the replace text \1\2\1\3
then clicking on "Replace all" twice does what is wanted on the sample text. I cannot see a way of doing this in one pass.
The expression looks for a line with leading spaces followed by a line starting with a !
. The capture groups are the leading spaces in \1
, the rest of that line including the newline in \2
and the leading !
in \3
. The replacement just assembles the captures in the right order. Note that you could omit the capture group around the !
and just have an explicit `! in the replacement, but I like to use captures in such contexts as they often allow for shorter replacements (although not in this case) and easier enhancements.