I\'m having problems with an app on the Samsung S I9000. The buttons on my app are much larger than they should be. In addition, the system is selecting res/values-small/ as a
Always use "sp" for font and rest as "dp"
place your image in corresponding folder as below
suppose your are using 36x36 image in for mdpi you need to use
drawable-mdpi - 36 x 36
drawable-hdpi - 48 x 48
drawable-xhdpi 72 x 72
3:4:6:8 ratio
There are some situations in which you might not want Android to pre-scale a resource. The easiest way to avoid pre-scaling is to put the resource in a resource directory with the nodpi configuration qualifier.
For example:
for example
you are using an font size as 14sp means it will automatically change for 320 DPI as
14×320÷160 =28
so now your font size is 28dp for xhdpi resolution phone.