I\'d like to bottom-align cells in a tiled DataGroup, so that rows grow bottom-top instead of top-bottom. I guess what i\'m looking for is something like RowAlign.BOTTOM>
Yes i want to answer my own question. What i wanted to do was extend TileLayout and override updateDisplayList(), but due to excessive use of privates in TileList that was not possible so i ended up copying the whole TileList source and changed a few lines in updateDisplayList(), eg:
var yPos:Number = unscaledHeight - visibleStartY - _rowHeight;
yPos -= yMajorDelta;
// Move along the minor axis
if (++counter >= counterLimit)
counter = 0;
if (orientation == TileOrientation.ROWS)
xPos = 0;
yPos -= yMinorDelta;
xPos += xMinorDelta;
yPos = unscaledHeight - visibleStartY - _rowHeight;
a hack, sort of, but works fine for my needs.