I\'m using opencv 2.4.13
I\'m trying to find the perimeter of a connected component, I was thinking of using ConnectedComponentWithStats but it doesn\'t return the perim
Adding to @Miki's answer, This is a faster way to find the perimeter of the connected component
//getting the connected components with statistics
cv::Mat1i labels, stats;
cv::Mat centroids;
int lab = connectedComponentsWithStats(img, labels, stats, centroids);
for (int i = 1; i < lab; ++i)
//Rectangle around the connected component
cv::Rect rect(stats(i, 0), stats(i, 1), stats(i, 2), stats(i, 3));
// Get the mask for the i-th contour
Mat1b mask_i = labels(rect) == i;
// Compute the contour
vector> contours;
findContours(mask_i, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
if(contours.size() <= 0)
//Finding the perimeter
double perimeter = contours[0].size();
//you can use this as well for measuring perimeter
//double perimeter = arcLength(contours[0], true);