{ \'0\': \'a\'
, \'1\': \'b\'
, \'2\': \'c\'
Object.prototype.valueOf.call(new String(\"abc\"))
{ \'0\': \'a\'
, \'1\': \'b\'
Perhaps I've missed what the actual question is. Here is what ECMA-262 says: Object.prototype.valueOf ( )
When the valueOf method is called, the following steps are taken:
Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing the this value as the argument.
If O is the result of calling the Object constructor with a host object (, then
a. Return either O or another value such as the host object originally passed to the constructor. The specific result that is returned is implementation-defined.
Return O.
In the expression:
Object.prototype.valueOf is being called with a string primitive as this. So at step 1, it is converted using the internal ToObject method.
If passed a value of Type String (which "abc" is) ToObject will return a String object.
Step 2 is irrelevant since the object is not a host object (it's a native object).
Step 3 returns the object created by toObject.
So test it:
var x = Object.prototype.valueOf.call("abc");
alert(typeof x); // object
typeof returns object because the resulting value is a String object (a nice quirk of the typeof operator). You can go further:
typeof x.match; // function
x.constructor; // function String() {[native code]}
alert(x); // abc
All consistent with the returned value being (a reference to) a String object.