I\'m working a data frame which consists of multiple different data types (numerics, characters, timestamps), but unfortunately all of them are received as characters. Hence I n
You should check dataPreparation
package. You will find function findAndTransformNumerics
function that will do exactly what you want.
sapply(messy_adult[, .(num1, num2, mail)], class)
num1 num2 mail
"character" "character" "factor"
messy_adult is an ugly data set to illustrate functions from this package. Here num1 and num2 are strings :/
messy_adult <- findAndTransformNumerics(messy_adult)
[1] "findAndTransformNumerics: It took me 0.18s to identify 3 numerics column(s), i will set them as numerics"
[1] "setColAsNumeric: I will set some columns as numeric"
[1] "setColAsNumeric: I am doing the columnnum1"
[1] "setColAsNumeric: 0 NA have been created due to transformation to numeric."
[1] "setColAsNumeric: I will set some columns as numeric"
[1] "setColAsNumeric: I am doing the columnnum2"
[1] "setColAsNumeric: 0 NA have been created due to transformation to numeric."
[1] "setColAsNumeric: I am doing the columnnum3"
[1] "setColAsNumeric: 0 NA have been created due to transformation to numeric."
[1] "findAndTransformNumerics: It took me 0.09s to transform 3 column(s) to a numeric format."
Here we performed the search and it logged what it found
And know:
sapply(messy_adult[, .(num1, num2, mail)], class)
num1 num2 mail
"numeric" "numeric" "factor"
Hope it helps!
Disclamer: I'm the author of this package.