this is one on my database tables template.
Id int PK
Title nvarchar(10) unique
ParentId int
This is my question.Is there a problem if i creat
You can perfectly join the table with it self.
You should be aware, however, that your design allows you to have multiple levels of hierarchy. Since you are using SQL Server (assuming 2005 or higher), you can have a recursive CTE get your tree structure.
Proof of concept preparation:
declare @YourTable table (id int, parentid int, title varchar(20))
insert into @YourTable values
(1,null, 'root'),
(2,1, 'something'),
(3,1, 'in the way'),
(4,1, 'she moves'),
(5,3, ''),
(6,null, 'I don''t know'),
(7,6, 'Stick around');
Query 1 - Node Levels:
with cte as (
select Id, ParentId, Title, 1 level
from @YourTable where ParentId is null
union all
select yt.Id, yt.ParentId, yt.Title, cte.level + 1
from @YourTable yt inner join cte on cte.Id = yt.ParentId
select cte.*
from cte
order by level, id, Title