EDIT: If the question is badly written have a look at the video (3), same link as in the bottom of this page.
I am trying to draw a very simple bezier curve using
OK, the answer is rather simple...
The quadratic Bézier curve is not the one drawn by cocos2d. Instead, check the same wiki page for cubic Bézier curve. That's what you should be looking at.
Nice video, btw, I enjoyed it xD.
Evidence from the CCActionInterval.h
file in the cocos2d library:
/** An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance.
@interface CCBezierBy : CCActionInterval
ccBezierConfig config;
CGPoint startPosition;
This link should help you construct your cubic Bézier curves visually, instead of tweaking the values and running the app.