I have the user table with user_id and user_details. it contains the JSON data in string format as shown below:
I assume that you are not using a table.
SET @data = '[{"name":"question-1","value":"sachin","label":"Enter your name?"},
{"name":"question-2","value":"abc@example.com","label":"Enter your email?"},
{"name":"question-3","value":"xyz","label":"Enter your city?"}]';
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@data,'$[*].name') AS "name", JSON_EXTRACT(@data,'$[*].label') AS "label";
it will return
name | label
["question-1", "question-2", "question-3"] | ["Enter your name?", "Enter your email?", "Enter your city?"]
SQL should be like below according to your table and column name:
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(user_details,'$[*].name') AS "name", JSON_EXTRACT(user_details,'$[*].label') AS "label" FROM user;
you can match them by using some loops for arrays. I do not know if this is the best way but it satisfy my needs.