I have absolutly no idea when it comes to VBScript so I was quite happy when I frankensteined two simple code snippets found online to insert the entire contents of a text file
A CDATA section allows < and >:
CDATA sections allow developers to include the markup characters <, >, and & within element content without using character or entity references. Scripts, style sheets, program code, and sample XML code are frequently contained in CDATA sections.
Dim oXML : Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set oXML.documentElement = oXML.createElement("a")
Dim nd
Set nd = oXML.createElement("b")
nd.appendChild oXML.createTextNode("<>")
oXML.documentElement.appendChild nd
Set nd = oXML.createElement("c")
nd.appendChild oXML.createCDATASection("<>")
oXML.documentElement.appendChild nd