I would like to get a slice of people ([]People) from the following xml:
John Doe
You need to create two structs:
Please see the comments inside the code:
package main
import (
var sourceXML = []byte(`
John Doe
Jane Doe
// Define a structure for each record
type Person struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
Age int `xml:"age"`
// There needs to be a single struct to unmarshal into
// File acts like that one root struct
type File struct {
People []Person `xml:"person"`
func main() {
// Initialize an empty struct
var file File
err := xml.Unmarshal(sourceXML, &file)
if err != nil {
// file.People returns only the []Person rather than the root
// file struct with it's contents
fmt.Printf("%+v", file.People)
// output:
// [{Name:John Doe Age:18} {Name:Jane Doe Age:20}]
Edit. Kaedys said the File and Person structures can also be nested (using anonymous structs) as follows:
type File struct {
People []struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
Age int `xml:"age"`
} `xml:"person"`