package com.example.imageslideshow;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Locale;
import android.os.B
Add this array to strings.xml
- 93,AF
- 355,AL
- 213,DZ
- 376,AD
- 244,AO
- 672,AQ
- 54,AR
- 374,AM
- 297,AW
- 61,AU
- 43,AT
- 994,AZ
- 973,BH
- 880,BD
- 375,BY
- 32,BE
- 501,BZ
- 229,BJ
- 975,BT
- 591,BO
- 387,BA
- 267,BW
- 55,BR
- 673,BN
- 359,BG
- 226,BF
- 95,MM
- 257,BI
- 855,KH
- 237,CM
- 1,CA
- 238,CV
- 236,CF
- 235,TD
- 56,CL
- 86,CN
- 61,CX
- 61,CC
- 57,CO
- 269,KM
- 242,CG
- 243,CD
- 682,CK
- 506,CR
- 385,HR
- 53,CU
- 357,CY
- 420,CZ
- 45,DK
- 253,DJ
- 670,TL
- 593,EC
- 20,EG
- 503,SV
- 240,GQ
- 291,ER
- 372,EE
- 251,ET
- 500,FK
- 298,FO
- 679,FJ
- 358,FI
- 33,FR
- 689,PF
- 241,GA
- 220,GM
- 995,GE
- 49,DE
- 233,GH
- 350,GI
- 30,GR
- 299,GL
- 502,GT
- 224,GN
- 245,GW
- 592,GY
- 509,HT
- 504,HN
- 852,HK
- 36,HU
- 91,IN
- 62,ID
- 98,IR
- 964,IQ
- 353,IE
- 44,IM
- 972,IL
- 39,IT
- 225,CI
- 81,JP
- 962,JO
- 7,KZ
- 254,KE
- 686,KI
- 965,KW
- 996,KG
- 856,LA
- 371,LV
- 961,LB
- 266,LS
- 231,LR
- 218,LY
- 423,LI
- 370,LT
- 352,LU
- 853,MO
- 389,MK
- 261,MG
- 265,MW
- 60,MY
- 960,MV
- 223,ML
- 356,MT
- 692,MH
- 222,MR
- 230,MU
- 262,YT
- 52,MX
- 691,FM
- 373,MD
- 377,MC
- 976,MN
- 382,ME
- 212,MA
- 258,MZ
- 264,NA
- 674,NR
- 977,NP
- 31,NL
- 599,AN
- 687,NC
- 64,NZ
- 505,NI
- 227,NE
- 234,NG
- 683,NU
- 850,KP
- 47,NO
- 968,OM
- 92,PK
- 680,PW
- 507,PA
- 675,PG
- 595,PY
- 51,PE
- 63,PH
- 870,PN
- 48,PL
- 351,PT
- 1,PR
- 974,QA
- 40,RO
- 7,RU
- 250,RW
- 590,BL
- 685,WS
- 378,SM
- 239,ST
- 966,SA
- 221,SN
- 381,RS
- 248,SC
- 232,SL
- 65,SG
- 421,SK
- 386,SI
- 677,SB
- 252,SO
- 27,ZA
- 82,KR
- 34,ES
- 94,LK
- 290,SH
- 508,PM
- 249,SD
- 597,SR
- 268,SZ
- 46,SE
- 41,CH
- 963,SY
- 886,TW
- 992,TJ
- 255,TZ
- 66,TH
- 228,TG
- 690,TK
- 676,TO
- 216,TN
- 90,TR
- 993,TM
- 688,TV
- 971,AE
- 256,UG
- 44,GB
- 380,UA
- 598,UY
- 1,US
- 998,UZ
- 678,VU
- 39,VA
- 58,VE
- 84,VN
- 681,WF
- 967,YE
- 260,ZM
- 263,ZW
If you want full name of countries instead of ISO country codes like Zm,IN etc then you can replace it else keep it as it is. Then Copy this Function To your Class,
String GetCountryZipCode(){
String CountryID="";
String CountryZipCode="";
TelephonyManager manager = (TelephonyManager) this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
CountryID= manager.getSimCountryIso().toUpperCase();
String[] rl=this.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.CountryCodes);
for(int i=0;i
Compare the 2 arrays i.e array of country names and country codes to get the required answer you want.