I am trying to get some comments off the car blog, Jalopnik. It doesn\'t come with the web page initially, instead the comments get retrieved with some Javascript. You only ge
Using Firefox with the Firebug plugin, I browsed to http://jalopnik.com/5912009/prius-driver-beat-up-after-taking-out-two-bikers
I then opened the Firebug console and clicked on ALL; it obligingly showed a single AJAX call to http://jalopnik.com/index.php?op=threadlist&post_id=5912009&mode=all&page=0&repliesmode=hide&nouser=true&selected_thread=null
Opening that url in a new window gets me the comment feed you are seeking.
More generally, if you substitute the appropriate article-ID into that url, you should be able to automate the process without Selenium.