I have a file with 8 columns using |
as a delimiter and I want to count the occurence frequency of the words in the 8th column. I tried awk like this
Among other things, you're running uniq
on $FILE
instead of running awk
on $FILE
and piping the results to sort then uniq. You meant to write:
awk -F'|' '{print $8}' "$FILE" | sort | uniq -c
but all you need is one command:
awk -F'|' '{cnt[$8]++} END{for (key in cnt) print cnt[key], key}' "$FILE"
wrt I can't understand where this "1" come from
- you have 1 empty $8 in your input file. Maybe a blank line. You can find it with:
awk -F'|' '$8~/^[[:space:]]*$/{print NR, "$0=<"$0">, $8=<"$8">"}' "$FILE"