I\'m going mad with this regex in JS:
var patt1=/^http(s)?:\\/\\/[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*?(:[0-9]+)?(\\/)?$/i;
If I give an input string like \
Considering you have a properly formatted URL this simple RegExp should do the trick every time.
var patt1=/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+/i;
Here's the breakdown...
Starting with the first position (denoted by ^)
Look for http
http can be followed by s (denoted by the ? which means 0 or 1 of the character or set before it)
Then look for :// after the http or https (denoted by :\/\/)
Next match any number of characters except for / (denoted by [^\/]+ - the + means 1 or more)
Case insensitive (denoted by i)
NOTE: this will also pick up ports http://example.com:80 - to get rid of the :80 (or a colon followed by any port number) simply add a : to the negated character class [^\/:] for example.