I\'m trying understand how to pass a parameter by reference in C language. So I wrote this code to test the behavior of parameters passing:
C is pass-by-value, it doesn't provide pass-by-reference. In your case, the pointer (not what it points to) is copied to the function paramer (the pointer is passed by value - the value of a pointer is an address)
void alocar(int* n){
//n is just a local variable here.
n = (int*) malloc( sizeof(int));
//assigning to n just assigns to the local
//n variable, the caller is not affected.
You'd want something like:
int *alocar(void){
int *n = malloc( sizeof(int));
if( n == NULL )
*n = 12;
printf("%d.\n", *n);
return n;
int main()
int* n;
n = alocar();
printf("%d.\n", *n);
return 0;
void alocar(int** n){
*n = malloc( sizeof(int));
if( *n == NULL )
**n = 12;
printf("%d.\n", **n);
int main()
int* n;
alocar( &n );
printf("%d.\n", *n);
return 0;