I\'m plotting a graph with different axis. The problem is that I want the 2 axes to be crossing one point, the rest doesn\'t really matter. Is it possible?
Here is a rep
It's not a beautiful solution, but as long as your x-axes always cross the 0
value, you can set the xlim=c(-max(c(-min(x),max(x))),max(c(-min(x),max(x))))
for both plots. This will make the x-axis always center at 0
for both the top and bottom axes. The same can be done with the y-axes if you so choose.
# Set graphing parameters
par(mar = c(5,4,4,4) + 0.1) # This can be reset later with "dev.off()"
# Plot the first graph
plot(x = -10:10, y = -10:10,
xlab="x-label-1",ylab="y-label-1") # Added labels to be changed
abline(v=0,lty = 2)
# Plot the second graph using new axes
par(new =TRUE)
plot(x = -10:50, y = seq(-5,5,length.out = length(-10:50)),
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty ="n",
xlab=NA,ylab=NA) # Remove x- and y-axis labels
abline(v=0,lty = 3)
axis(3, col="red",col.axis="red",las=2, cex.axis = 1)
axis(4, col="red",col.axis="red",las=2, cex.axis = 1)
mtext("x-label-2", side = 3, line = 3, cex = par("cex.lab")) # Labeled secondary x-axis
mtext("y-label-2", side = 4, line = 3, cex = par("cex.lab")) # Labeled secondary y-axis
which gives:
I hope this works! You'll need to play around with the values for par(mar())
if you want to label your graphs with a title.