I created the following example to understand the instances in python
import time;
class test:
mytime = time.time();
def __init__(self):
let's uncomment "self.mytime = time.time()" line from your code:
class test:
mytime = time.time();
def __init__(self):
self.newtime = time.time();
#pass - no use of pass here
test1 = test()
test2 = test()
print test1.mytime
o/p: 1347883057.638443
print test2.mytime
o/p: 1347883057.638443
In this case, "mytime" variable is like static class member. and all instances of test() class (i.e: test1 and test2) will share same value of class attributes.
print test1.newtime
o/p: 1347883063.421356
print test2.newtime
o/p: 1347883068.7103591
whereas, value of instance variable. will be different for each instance of class.
therefore, to get different timing for each instance. you need to declare instance variable using "self" in "init" method.
Hope, it will help.