I am using underscore template engine (as part of Backbone.js) and have an issue where an attribute of the JSON object has a period in it i.e.
\"id\": 1234,
An easy way around that is to wrap another object around it so that you can use []
to access 'company.id'
. For example, your template could look like this:
and your JavaScript like this:
var html = _.template($('#tmpl').html(), {
o: {
"id": 1234,
"company.id": 4321
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/wtLkP/1/
The Underscore template compiler uses with
to supply the context for simple things like <%= x %>
in the templates so I don't think you're going to be able to do any better than the o.
trick above. Underscore builds a function from your template, you can see the function's source by looking at the source
attribute of the function:
var t = _.template(template_source);
That will give you something like this:
var __p='';var print=function(){__p+=Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, '')};
__p+='\n id: '+
( o.id )+
company: '+
( o['company.id'] )+
' and stuff\n';
return __p;
and you can see why just <%= [x] %>
won't work: with only adjusts the current scope, it can't make [x]
into valid JavaScript.