I have a list of tuples, each on contains a word-to-be-replaced, its line and column number positions from a given text file. I want to go through the text file and repl
Consider a single line:
word1 a word2 a word3 a word4
If you have these changes:
[('word1', 1, 1), ('word2', 1, 9), ... ]
And you process them in order:
* a word2 a word3 a word4
You will fail, because you are changing the positions of the words when you replace 'word1' with '*', a shorter string.
Instead, you will have to sort the list of changes by line, reversed by column:
changes = sorted(changes, key=lambda t: (t[1], -t[2]))
You can then process the changes as you iterate through the file, shown in the link referenced by @JRajan:
with open("file", "r") as fp:
fpline_text = enumerate(fp)
fpline,text = next(fpline_text)
for edit in changes:
word,line,offset = edit
line -=1 # 0 based
while fpline < line:
fpline,text = next(fpline_text)
offset -= 1 # 0-based
cand = text[offset:offset+len(word)]
if cand != word:
print("OOPS! Word '{}' not found at ({}, {})".format(*edit))
text = text[0:offset]+'*'+text[offset+len(word):]
# Rest of file
while True:
fpline,text = next(fpline_text)
except StopIteration: