I have some code that works in IE7 and 8 but not in 9
var table = document.getElementById(\'RadGrid_ctl01\').childNodes[2];
which doesn\'t work
The behaviour of IE9 is right, lower versions are wrong. The problem is caused by whitespace between two html-tags, which should lead into text-nodes.
UPDATE: Added example
- Foo
- Bar
- Foo
- Bar
Looks pretty much the same, doesn't it? However the resulting DOM differs. First example would result in:
- ul
-- li
--- (text)Foo
-- li
While the second Markup leads into this:
- ul
-- (text)
-- li
--- (text)Foo
-- (text)
-- li
--- (text)Bar
-- (text)
And since text-nodes cannot have any child-nodes, this causes your Javascript to fail silently.
Possible solution
One solution is to strip out the empty text-nodes. I once wrote a gist for this issue.
Node.normalize() seems to be a more reliable solution, but i didn't check it for browser-compatibilty.