I have textfield for birthDate. When a user enter invalid date, let say for example a String, error message successfully displayed as fielderror. But in my console, I got this e
In your Action class you dont have a method called setBirthDate(String birthDate)
, add it your issue should be resolved.
Note check to see that you have placed all getter and setter in your action class for all properties.
I think in your JSP you have :
Struts will try to map this to setBirthDate(String string)
, since this method is missing in your action hence the NoSuchMethodException
To convert String to Date:
public class MyStringToDateConverter extends StrutsTypeConverter {
public Object convertFromString(Map context, String[] values, Class toClass) {
//Parse String to get a date object
public String convertToString(Map context, Object o) {
// Get the string from object o
If you are using Annotation in your action class then add @Conversion()
to your action
public class MyAction extends ActionSupport{
public Date myDate = null;
@TypeConversion(converter="MyStringToDateConverter") //Fully qualified name so if this class is in mypackage then converter will be "myPackage.MyStringToDateConverter"
public void setMyDate(Date date) {
this.myDate = date;
If you dont want to use Annotation then you can look at the official documentation for example.