Going to be outputting percentages dynamically 0-100%
Want to add CSS class based on percentage. Red for 0% and Blue for 100% progressively.
Markup would be
If you wanna manage the percentage colors yourself manually, you could do it like this:
$('span').css('color', function() {
var percentage = parseInt($(this).text());
case 100:
return "red";
case 90:
return "gray";
example: http://jsfiddle.net/niklasvh/zqwqe/
edit: alternatively you could calculate the color value dynamically, so you wouldn't have to define each percentage seperately.
$('').appendTo($('body')).text(i+"%").css('color', function() {
var percentage = parseInt($(this).text());
var colors = [Math.round(255*(percentage/100)),0,255-Math.round(255*(percentage/100))];
return "rgb("+colors+")";
example: http://jsfiddle.net/niklasvh/zqwqe/29/