I\'m trying create an executable from my code that uses PyQt5. I\'m using Python 3.5.3 -64 bits, developing in Windows 10, used pip to install pyinstaller 3.2.1, and installed p
After a lot of research, the problem is because of Windows 10. While I didn't find a Windows 10 solution, I did solve my problem in Windows 7.
I tested pyinstaller on Windows 7 and was still getting warnings, but not the api-ms-win-crt-*.dll warnings.
I copied all the dll files in my Python35 directory into the pyinstaller generated dist folder. At this point, pyinstaller can turn a Hello World program into an executable without errors:
pyinstaller --onefile Hello_World.py
However, turning a PyQt5 program into an executable gives errors because pyinstaller can't locate the Qt5*.dll files. To fix this copy the PyQt5, Qt5*.dll files, under Lib/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt/bin and into dist. Then tell pyinstaller where the dll files are using --path:
pyinstaller --onefile --path dist Start_UI.py
This creates a working executable Start_UI.exe in dist.