I\'m building an application that needs to open self-signed HTTPS SSL URLs in java. I\'ve learned that you can bypass the SSL problems by adding a call to HttpsURLConnection.se
I'm building an application that needs to open self-signed HTTPS SSL URLs in java. I've learned that you can bypass the SSL problems by adding a call to HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier() where you say what hostnames are allowed.
There are some misconceptions from your question:
Hostname verification is unrelated to whether the certificate is self-signed or not.
It is a verification that matches the domain you are trying to access with the certificate info (CN or Subject Alt Name).
You would need to configure the verifier if you needed to accept a certificate that did not match the url (not recommended at all!!!)
Concerning the self-signed.
This is irrelevant.
You can configure your application to load your custom truststore which would include the certificate your application will trust. In fact this is the best approach (than using Java's cacerts).
All you have to do is import the certificate in a keystore (JKS or PKCS12) and load it in your custom TrustManagers in your application.
Just google arround, plenty of examples E.g. self-signed-ssl