My problem is fairly trivial: I need to apply logic to the delete button in Excel. In a related question I asked for means to clear cells in a pivot table, and realising now tha
You case use Application.Onkey
to assign code to keys
If you (1) add this code to a sheet module that contains your pivottable (right-click your sheet tab, View Code and past the code below)
This code activates and then de-activates the intercept when the user enters then leaves this particular sheet:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application.OnKey "{DELETE}", "Intercept"
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
Application.OnKey "{DELETE}"
End Sub
(2) add this code to a regular module
Sub Intercept()
MsgBox "user just pressed delete"
End Sub
then delete on that sheet will be trapped and the user given a message