I need my state to be passed along while being able to chain functions with the maybe workflow. Is there a way for 2 workflows to share the same context? If no, what is the way
As stated in the previous answer, one way to combine workflows in F# (Monads in Haskell) is by using a technique called Monad Transformers.
In F# this is really tricky, here is a project that deals with that technique.
It's possible to write the example of the previous answer by automatically combining State and Maybe (option), using that library:
#r @"c:\packages\FSharpPlus-1.0.0\lib\net45\FSharpPlus.dll"
open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Data
// Stateful computation
let computation =
monad {
let! x = get
let! y = OptionT (result (Some 10))
do! put (x + y)
let! x = get
return x
printfn "Result: %A" (State.eval (OptionT.run computation) 1)
So this is the other alternative, instead of creating your custom workflow, use a generic workflow that will be automatically inferred (a-la Haskell).