I am attempting unsuccessfully to read a *.csv file containing hidden or invisible characters. The file contents are shown here:
my.data2 <- read.table(text
In gVim you should be able to remove the ^M characters by typing the following:
If you've typed it in correctly it will look like ':%s/^M//g' in gVim. When you press return, gVim searches (the 's') for what's between the first and second slash and replaces it with what's between the second and third slash, globally (the 'g').
NOTE: If you are on a Windows box and
When I load your sample file into gVim 7.3, it looks like this:
After typing the characters
but BEFORE hitting return I see this:
After hitting return I see this:
You can then do File->Save or File->Save As, which do what you would expect.