I have a list of products in comma separated fashion and since the item list was replaced with new product items, I am trying to modify this CSV list with new product item list.
Convert your comma separated list to XML. Use a numbers table, XQuery and position()
to get the separate ID's with the position they have in the string. Build the comma separated string using the for xml path('')
trick with a left outer join
to #tempprod
and order by position()
;with C as
select T.id,
N.number as Pos,
X.PList.value('(/i[position()=sql:column("N.Number")])[1]', 'int') as PID
from @tmp as T
cross apply (select cast(''+replace(plist, ',', '')+'' as xml)) as X(PList)
inner join master..spt_values as N
on N.number between 1 and X.PList.value('count(/i)', 'int')
where N.type = 'P'
select C1.id,
stuff((select ','+cast(coalesce(T.newid, C2.PID) as varchar(10))
from C as C2
left outer join @tmpprod as T
on C2.PID = T.oldid
where C1.id = C2.id
order by C2.Pos
for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')
from C as C1
group by C1.id
Try on SE-Data