Before getting into my issue, please have a look at this image.
Here is th
The old data that was in your persistent store, and addressed with the original MOC, is still there, and will be retrieved when the second MOC does a fetch. They're both looking at the same persistent store. It's just that the second MOC also has new data fetched from your API.
A synchronous network operation saving to Core Data will hang your app, and (for a large enough set of records) cause the system to kill your app, appearing to the user as a crash. Your client is wrong on that point, and needs to be educated.
Break apart your logic for fetching, saving, and viewing. Your view that shows a particular date's records should just do that--which it can do, if it accepts a date and uses a predicate.
Your 'cellForRowAtIndexPath' crash smells like a problem with a missing or misspelled identifier. What happens if you hard code a string instead of using ''?