I\'ve spent about three days now trying to solve a java error that\'s stopping me from finishing my chat app! And of course it\'s a firebase error! I\'m new to Android Developin
I had this issue. I built the generated android project in the platform in android studio then I found the issue and solved this.
Follow this steps.
Inside the platforms folder, android/src/{package name}/MainActivity.java
Import the firebase library, * import com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp;
Inside the oncreate method, below super.oncreate(savedinstancestate),
Add FirebaseApp.initializeApp(this);
Last step,
Inside the platforms folder, android/res/values/string.xml,
Add ***
*** can be found in the googleservice.json file "client": [ { "client_info": { "mobilesdk_app_id": this value
Ref (for more detail): https://github.com/arnesson/cordova-plugin-firebase/issues/142