I am newbie in Julia language, and the tutorial is not very deep yet and I didn\'t understand what is the best way to pass a parameter list of a function. My function looks like
You may use the power of functional language (function as a first-class object and closures):
julia> compose_dxdt = (a,b,c) -> (x) -> a*x^2 + b*x + c #creates function with 3 parameters (a,b,c) which returns the function of x
(anonymous function)
julia> f1 = compose_dxdt(1,1,1) #f1 is a function with the associated values of a=1, b=1, c=1
(anonymous function)
julia> f1(1)
julia> f1(2)
julia> f2 = compose_dxdt(2,2,2) #f1 is a function with the associated values of a=2, b=2, c=2
(anonymous function)
julia> f2(1)
julia> f2(2)