Working on my master thesis right now. I have 2 groups: Showering as usual and Cold shower group. Variables are age, gender, weight, psychological wellbeing, physiological wellb
Example data:
data1 = data.frame(
Code =sample(letters,100,replace=TRUE),
colnames(data1)[-c(1:2)] = c("StudentBasel","Alter","Grösse",
You can select the columns you want to test:
test_columns = c("WHO4W","WHO8W","WHO12W")
So, if you just want to test say 4,8 and 12 together, for WHO4 series, you do, the select command essentially selects the columns you want to test:
data1 %>%
select(c("Gruppe",test_columns)) %>%
# A tibble: 300 x 3
Gruppe name value
1 2 WHO4W 97
2 2 WHO8W 91
3 2 WHO12W 93
4 1 WHO4W 99
5 1 WHO8W 103
6 1 WHO12W 92
7 2 WHO4W 91
8 2 WHO8W 111
9 2 WHO12W 120
10 1 WHO4W 119
# … with 290 more rows
In the above step, I basically repeated for joined every week with its corresponding Gruppe, this is called pivoting a table into long format.
So what you want to do, is a test for Gruppe, within every variable, and you can do it by grouping it first (group_by) followed by the aov as you do by contained within a "do", which means do aov on every group:
result = data1 %>%
select(c("Gruppe",test_columns)) %>%
pivot_longer(-Gruppe) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
do(tidy(aov(value ~ Gruppe,data=.)))
# A tibble: 6 x 7
# Groups: name [3]
name term df sumsq meansq statistic p.value
1 WHO12W Gruppe 1 131. 131. 1.25 0.266
2 WHO12W Residuals 98 10247. 105. NA NA
3 WHO4W Gruppe 1 111. 111. 1.01 0.316
4 WHO4W Residuals 98 10740. 110. NA NA
5 WHO8W Gruppe 1 1.63 1.63 0.0169 0.897
6 WHO8W Residuals 98 9428. 96.2 NA NA
Now we simply take out on terms that contain Gruppe, we are not interested in the residuals:
result %>% filter(term=="Gruppe")
# A tibble: 3 x 7
# Groups: name [3]
name term df sumsq meansq statistic p.value
1 WHO12W Gruppe 1 131. 131. 1.25 0.266
2 WHO4W Gruppe 1 111. 111. 1.01 0.316
3 WHO8W Gruppe 1 1.63 1.63 0.0169 0.897
I suggest this above because it is easier to explain to people what you have done (you cannot say I did an anova..), and easier to interpret. You can use a big aov and do a posthoc, but please read up and understand what anova is doing before applying this:
#pivot long like before
aov_df = data1 %>%
select(c("Gruppe",test_columns)) %>%
# now we have a sub group for every measurement, eg. group 1 + wk4, group #2 + wk4 and so on
aov_df$subgroup = paste0(aov_df$name,aov_df$Gruppe)
result = TukeyHSD(aov(value ~ subgroup,data=aov_df))
# the below are the meaningful comparisons you need:
diff lwr upr p adj
WHO12W2-WHO12W1 2.2938808 -3.560239 8.148000 0.8711455
WHO4W2-WHO4W1 2.1151369 -3.738983 7.969256 0.9052955
WHO8W2-WHO8W1 -0.2560386 -6.110158 5.598081 0.9999956