Let assume you have two points (a , b) in a two dimensional plane. Given the two points, what is the best way to find the maximum points on the line segment that are equidistan
Interpreting the question as:
Then, that is fairly simply: the length between start
and end
divided by minDistanceApart
, rounded down minus 1. (without the minus 1 you end up with the number of distances between the end points rather than the number of extra points inbetween)
List FindAllPoints(Point start, Point end, int minDistance)
double dx = end.x - start.x;
double dy = end.y - start.y;
int numPoints =
Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / (double) minDistance) - 1;
List result = new List;
double stepx = dx / numPoints;
double stepy = dy / numPoints;
double px = start.x + stepx;
double py = start.y + stepy;
for (int ix = 0; ix < numPoints; ix++)
result.Add(new Point(px, py));
px += stepx;
py += stepy;
return result;
If you want all the points, including the start and end point, then you'll have to adjust the for loop, and start 'px' and 'py' at 'start.x' and 'start.y' instead. Note that if accuracy of the end-points is vital you may want to perform a calculation of 'px' and 'py' directly based on the ratio 'ix / numPoints' instead.