Is there a way to tell the php complier that I want a specific implicit conversion from one type to another?
A simple example:
class Integer
public $
This question is very old, but I would like to give a solution. This behaviour is called boxing which can be done in PHP, but the inverse of this, unboxing see:
function a(int $a){...}
a(new Integer(1));
is not possible currently. If you want a framework which offers you this and even more, look at the BlazeFramework which has such wrapper classes.
Operation overloading does not work either in php. The implementation is maybe a bit too much to write, but I give you a hint! PHP calls the callback set with set_error_handler()
with the error level E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
and debug_backtrace()
delivers information about the function/method call.
If you don't get that, look at the implementation of the method blaze\lang\System#systemErrorHandler()
, but possibly it is better to just use the framework if you want more of such features.