I am very new to coding and am having some trouble when attempting to compare the results from a JDBC query to the results in an XML response.
I am using groovy rather
Here is the script which I corrected to make it work.
The problems in the script you made and addressed as below -
Groovy Script
//Class to model the different sources of data and create object
//so that those are comparable
class Model {
String campaignSysKey
String campaignName
String startDate
String endDate
String campaignCode
static def buildJdbcData(row) {
def obj = new Model()
row.with {
obj.campaignSysKey = UPGRADETYPE
obj.campaignName = SOURCEDESC
obj.startDate = STARTDATE
obj.endDate = ENDDATE
obj.campaignCode = SOURCECODE
static def buildXMLData(cmpgn) {
def obj = new Model()
obj.campaignSysKey = cmpgn.CampaignSysKey as String
obj.campaignName = cmpgn.CampaignName as String
obj.startDate = cmpgn.StartDate as String
obj.endDate = cmpgn.EndDate as String
obj.campaignCode = cmpgn.CampaignCode as String
//Read the jdbc response from its step
def jdbcResponse = context.expand('${Validation#ResponseAsXml}')
//Read the xml response from its step
def xmlResponse = context.expand('${OfferHistoryRequest#Response}')
//Read & Create objects for jdbc response
def results = new XmlSlurper().parseText(jdbcResponse)
def jdbcDataObjects = []
results.ResultSet.Row.each { row ->
//Read & Create objects for xml response
def parsedXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlResponse)
def campaigns = parsedXml.'**'.findAll{it.name() == 'Campaign'}
def xmlDataObjects = []
campaigns.each { cmpgn ->
//Log both responses
log.info "Jdbc response records: ${jdbcDataObjects.size()}"
log.info "Xml response records: ${xmlDataObjects.size()}"
if (jdbcDataObjects.size() != xmlDataObjects.size()) {
log.info("Jdbc resultset size is : ${jdbcDataObjects.size()} and XML result size is : ${xmlDataObjects.size()}")
//Check if both object sizes are equal before comparing one to one
assert jdbcDataObjects.size() == xmlDataObjects.size(), "Both responses have not matched element count"
//Log both the objects
log.info jdbcDataObjects.toString()
log.info xmlDataObjects.toString()
//Compare now both the responses and show the difference
if (jdbcDataObjects != xmlDataObjects){
log.info "Both responses do not match"
for(int index=0;index
By the way, the responses you posted have difference.
If you want to quickly check online demo