VBA memory size of Arrays and Arraylist

前端 未结 1 1684
情歌与酒 2021-01-25 06:20

I have tried to load 6.000.000 (6 mio) strings of 64 characters in length in order to sort them in VBA. What I have noticed is : 1. When I use an Array the memory occupied is ar

  •  面向向阳花
    2021-01-25 06:29

    Most of the issue is the fact that VBA natively uses BSTRs, which are Unicode strings. I assume that your calculation of ~380 mb is based on 6 million * 64 characters @ 1 byte each. In actuality, the math works out to something like this:

    • VBA Strings are Unicode, which in this case means each character is 2 bytes.

    • A String in VBA is 4 bytes for internally storing the length before the string, 2 bytes for a unicode Null at the end of the string, and the 2 bytes per character.

    • That works out to 4 + (64 * 2) + 2 = 134 bytes per 64 character

    • Each entry in the String array is actually a pointer to the String,
      so that's another 4 bytes per slot, 138 in total so far.

    • Assuming 6 million of these Strings, that's 828,000,000 bytes (using commas US style) which, depending upon your definition of mb, is either 789.6 or 828 mb.

    I'm not sure about the rest of the overhead, perhaps garbage collector reference counters?

    Anyway, I would suggest that you use 64 slot Byte arrays to load and store your strings, assuming it's ASCII characters. You eliminate (4 + 64 + 2) * 6,000,000 bytes and your code will presumably run faster because it doesn't need to compare as many bytes. You could probably optimize your sort by comparing a Word (32 or 64 bits depending upon your processor) at a time instead of just character by character.


    I think I was slightly wrong on that calculation. Byte Arrays are SAFEARRAYs which have quite a bit of overhead themselves, about 20 bytes. So the savings would be closer to (4 + 64 + 2 - 20) * 6,000,000.

    Raw ASCII String Sort Example

    Before you look at this example, please, please take my recommendation and import your text into Access to sort instead. 6 million strings for a total of 380 mb is well within Access' limits and Access can (as I understand it) sort them without resorting to loading all the strings into memory at the same time

    Create a text file called "data.txt" with the following text:


    In add a code module and call it "mdlQuickSort" and add the following code. I haven't commented much, but if you're curious as to how it works you can read Wikipedia's article on QuickSort or let me know and I'll add better comments.

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub QuickSortInPlace(ByRef arrArray() As Variant)
        If UBound(arrArray) <= 1 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        qSort arrArray, 0, UBound(arrArray)
    End Sub
    Private Sub qSort(ByRef arrArray() As Variant, left As Long, right As Long)
        Dim pivot As Long
        Dim newPivotIndex As Long
        If left < right Then
            pivot = MedianOf3(arrArray, left, right)
            newPivotIndex = partition(arrArray, left, right, pivot)
            qSort arrArray, left, newPivotIndex - 1
            qSort arrArray, newPivotIndex + 1, right
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function partition(ByRef arrArray() As Variant, left As Long, right As Long, pivot As Long) As Long
        Dim pivotValue As Variant
        pivotValue = arrArray(pivot)
        Swap arrArray, pivot, right
        Dim storeIndex As Long
        storeIndex = left
        Dim i As Long
        For i = left To right - 1
            If CompareFunc(arrArray(i), pivotValue) = -1 Then
                Swap arrArray, i, storeIndex
                storeIndex = storeIndex + 1
            End If
        Swap arrArray, storeIndex, right
        partition = storeIndex
    End Function
    Private Sub Swap(ByRef arrArray() As Variant, indexA As Long, indexB As Long)
        Dim temp As Variant
        temp = arrArray(indexA)
        arrArray(indexA) = arrArray(indexB)
        arrArray(indexB) = temp
    End Sub
    Private Function MedianOf3(ByRef arrArray() As Variant, left As Long, right As Long) As Long
        Dim a As Variant, b As Variant, c As Variant
        Dim indexA As Long, indexB As Long, indexC As Long
        Dim ab As Long
        Dim bc As Long
        Dim ac As Long
        indexA = left
        indexB = (left + right) \ 2
        indexC = right
        a = arrArray(indexA)
        b = arrArray(indexB)
        c = arrArray(indexC)
        ab = CompareFunc(a, b)
        bc = CompareFunc(b, c)
        ac = CompareFunc(a, c)
        If ab = -1 Then
            If ac = -1 Then
                If bc = -1 Or bc = 0 Then
                    'a b c
                    'Already in B
                    'a c b
                    Swap arrArray, indexB, indexC
                End If
                'c a b
                Swap arrArray, indexA, indexB
            End If
            If bc = -1 Then
                If ac = -1 Then
                    'b a c
                    Swap arrArray, indexA, indexB
                    'b c a
                    Swap arrArray, indexB, indexC
                End If
                'c b a
                'Already in B
            End If
        End If
        MedianOf3 = indexB
    End Function
    Private Function CompareFunc(str_a As Variant, str_b As Variant) As Long
        Dim a As Byte
        Dim b As Byte
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 0 To 63
            a = str_a(i)
            b = str_b(i)
            If a <> b Then
                Exit For
            End If
        If i <= 63 Then
            If a < b Then
                CompareFunc = -1
                CompareFunc = 1
            End If
            CompareFunc = 0
        End If
    End Function

    Finally, add a module called "mdlMain". This is where the Strings are loaded. Here is the code:

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub Main()
        Dim arrStrings() As Variant
        Dim i As Long
        'Get the strings from the file
        FillArrStringsInPlace arrStrings
        'Print the unsorted list
        Debug.Print "Unsorted Strings" & vbCrLf & "---------------------"
        For i = 0 To UBound(arrStrings)
            Debug.Print StrConv(arrStrings(i), vbUnicode)
        'Sort in place
        QuickSortInPlace arrStrings
        'Print the sorted list
        Debug.Print vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Sorted Strings" & vbCrLf & "---------------------"
        For i = 0 To UBound(arrStrings)
            Debug.Print StrConv(arrStrings(i), vbUnicode)
    End Sub
    Public Sub FillArrStringsInPlace(ByRef arr() As Variant)
        Dim iFile As Integer
        Dim strInput As String
        Dim lineCount As Long
        Dim arrBytes() As Byte
        'Open a file in the same folder as this Access db called "data.txt"
        iFile = FreeFile
        Open ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\data.txt" For Input As iFile
        'Since I already know how many strings there are, I'm assigning it here.
        'The alternatives would be to either "dynamically resize" the array, which
        'is equivalent to copying the entire thing everytime you add a new string,
        'Or to count the number of newlines in the file and dimensioning the array
        'to that size before reading in the strings line by line.  Neither is as
        'efficient as just defining it before-hand.
        ReDim arr(0 To 7)
        While Not EOF(iFile)
            Line Input #iFile, strInput
            arrBytes = StrConv(strInput, vbFromUnicode)
            ReDim Preserve arrBytes(0 To 63)
            arr(lineCount) = arrBytes
            lineCount = lineCount + 1
        Close iFile
    End Sub

    I had put some code in there to try and optimize things with CopyMemory, but it was a tad dangerous, so I decided to leave it out.

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