How can I horizontally center the DIV with the textbox and button on this URL:
Regards, Kevin
On line 10, you should add a width to the div: Change
to Edit: If you do it this way, you'll have to change the width of the input elements to a fixed pixel value instead of width: 30%; 0 讨论(0) 查看其它3个回答 发布评论: 提交评论 加载中... 验证码 看不清? 提交回复
Edit: If you do it this way, you'll have to change the width of the input elements to a fixed pixel value instead of width: 30%; 0 讨论(0) 查看其它3个回答 发布评论: 提交评论 加载中... 验证码 看不清? 提交回复
Edit: If you do it this way, you'll have to change the width of the input elements to a fixed pixel value instead of width: 30%;
width: 30%;