I have an array with integer values from 0-511 (9 bits max). I am trying to write this to a file with fwrite
For Example, with the array:
Ok, so did it using bit shifting, oring (can also do with *
, '+', %
and /
) but shift is more appropriate / readable, imo.
// Your data, n is the number of 9-bits values
uint16_t dat[] = { 257, 258, 259 };
int i,n = sizeof(dat)/sizeof(*dat);
// out file
FILE *fp = fopen("f8.bin","w");
uint16_t one = 0;
int shift = 0;
uint8_t b;
// main loop
for(i=0 ; i>(8-shift); // Move the remaining MSb to the right
shift = (shift+9) % 8; // next shift
fwrite(&b, 1, 1, fp); // write our b byte
// remainder, always have a remainder
fwrite(&one, 1, 1, fp);
Had fun :-)