In the following query am trying to get one image per category
SELECT id AS category_id,
I had a similar problem. Your 3rd level select statement (SELECT * FROM images li
) needs to return a single value, since the 2nd level select statement (SELECT id AS category_id,COALESCE( ...
) is expecting only one value in its place holder.
For my case, it worked. Here I also averaged the data from a second based table (SecondBasis
) to the values in the one minute basis table (MinuteBasis
SELECT MinuteBasis.time, MinuteBasis.avg_t, MinuteBasis.avg_p,MinuteBasis.avg_t2,
(SELECT avg(SecondBasis.m1)
FROM SecondBasis
WHERE SecondBasis.time BETWEEN MinuteBasis.time AND addtime (MinuteBasis.time,'0 0:00:59'))
(SELECT avg(SecondBasis.m2)
FROM SecondBasis
WHERE SecondBasis.time BETWEEN MinuteBasis.time AND addtime (MinutBasis.time,'0 0:00:59'))
FROM MinuteBasis
WHERE MinuteBasis.time BETWEEN '2012-05-02 8:30:00' AND '2012-05-02 8:44:59' ;