So I have a for loop that does an iteration of a SQL stored procedure for every line in a file queue.txt
, now that all works great, what DOESNT however is that if i
Okay so the soultion to my problem that I worked out was to add an extra batch file called co-ordinator.bat
it checked if busy.txt
was present, if it was then it would add the connecting devices into a file late.txt
at the end of each iteration of the loop the process would check for the presence of late.txt
, if it was present then it would merge it with queue.txt
and then use a goto
out of the loop to the top to re-initialise the for loop.
Code as such:
@echo off
cd "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Scripting\"
echo words > busy.txt
FOR /f "delims=" %%a in ('type queue.txt') DO (
IF NOT EXIST reset.sql (
::Create SQL command
echo USE dbname> reset.sql
echo EXEC dbo.sp_ResetSubscription @ClientName = '%%a'>> reset.sql
echo EXEC dbo.sp_RunClientSnapshot @ClientName = '%%a'>> reset.sql
echo #################### %date% - %time% ####################################################>> log.txt
echo Reinitialising '%%a'>> log.txt
sqlcmd -i "reset.sql">> log.txt
echo. >> log.txt
echo ####################################################################################################>> log.txt
echo. >> log.txt
type queue.txt | findstr /v %%a> new.txt
type new.txt> queue.txt
echo New list of laptops waiting:>> log.txt
type queue.txt>> log.txt
echo. >> log.txt
echo ####################################################################################################>> log.txt
echo. >> log.txt
if exist reset.sql del /f /q reset.sql
if exist late.txt (
type late.txt>> queue.txt
del /f /q late.txt
goto rerun
if exist late.txt del /f /q late.txt
if exist busy.txt del /f /q busy.txt
if exist queue.txt del /f /q queue.txt
if exist new.txt del /f /q new.txt