Is there a way to align corners of different plots in a multiplot setup?
Is there a way to convert axis
coordinates to screen
In order to achieve an exact overlap, I think that an option would be to adjust the margin
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig.png'
eps_h = 0.1
eps_w = 0.1
set multiplot
unset key
set lmargin at screen 2*eps_w
set tmargin at screen 1 - eps_h
set rmargin at screen 1 - eps_w
set bmargin at screen eps_h
plot cos(x) w lp lc rgb 'dark-red'
set border ls 4;
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
unset tics
plot 2*cos(x+pi) w lp lc rgb 'royalblue'
which gives: