I have searched in net but not getting exactly what I need. I have a bitarray of size 15,936. I need to divide this bit array into list of bitarrays , with each bit array having
You can copy your bit array into an array of bytes, split that array into chunks and create new bit arrays:
const int subArraySizeBits = 32;
const int subArraySizeBytes = subArraySizeBits / 8;
byte[] bitData = new byte[myBitArray.Length / subArraySizeBytes];
myBitArray.CopyTo(bitData, 0);
List result = new List();
for (int index = 0; index < bitData.Length; index += subArraySizeBytes) {
byte[] subData = new byte[subArraySizeBytes];
Array.Copy(bitData, index * subArraySizeBytes, subData, 0, subArraySizeBytes);
result.Add(new BitArray(subData));