Why is Eclipse keeps giving me error on the constructor:
public DenseBoard(Tile t[][]){
Board myBoard = new DenseBoard(t.length, t[0].length);
I think you DenseBoard class should implement all the Board class's abstract method. such like this:
package Game2048;
public class DenseBoard extends Board {
public DenseBoard(int rows, int cols){
super(rows, cols);
public DenseBoard(Tile t[][]){
Board myBoard = new DenseBoard(t.length, t[0].length);
public Board copy(){
public int getRows(){
public int getCols(){
public int getTileCount(){
public int getFreeSpaceCount(){
public Tile tileAt(int i, int j){
public boolean lastShiftMovedTiles(){
public boolean mergePossible(){
public void addTileAtFreeSpace(int freeI, Tile tile){
public int shiftLeft(){
public int shiftRight(){
public int shiftUp(){
public int shiftDown(){