There\'s an edit at the bottom:
I have this code:
Thanks to epascarello and worldofjr for explaining the error was occurring because span tags are not allowed in option tags. It appears that no tags are allowed in an option tag.
I thought of a way around the problem -
The select I'm coding is for a list of Wordpress archive months. The function wp_get_archives() has an option to generate option tags for each entry but there is no way I can add to the option tags, to put in the styling I want.
I want all but the first option in the select to have color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; (I want them to look like a link. I know they won't change color when hovered or followed, but blue and underling and the pointer cursor should get across that they are links.)
The function does not generate the select tag, I have to code that and so I can add to it. I put class="optionSetRules" on the select.
I coded the class as:
.optionSetRules option {
color: blue;
text-decoration: underline;
cursor: pointer;
That will style the option tags, inside the parent with class="optionSetRules"
I coded the first option in the select myself, to display "Select Month." I don't want that option to have color: blue; and text-decoration: underline; so I added class="optionSetBlackNoUnderline" to the option tag and then added this CSS:
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
cursor: default;
That coding gives me what I want - the options, except the first one, set to color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;
Now the question is, which answer do I mark as the accepted answer???